Bintang Marhaeni1,2, Ocky Karna Radjasa3, 4*, Miftahuddin Majid Khoeri3, Agus Sabdono4, Dietriech G. Bengen1, Herawati Sudoyo3
1Graduate School of Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia;
2Department of Fisheries and Marine Science, Soedirman University, Purwokerto, Central Java, Indonesia;
3Marine Microbiology Unit, Eijkman Institute for Mo-lecular Biology, Jakarta, Indonesia;
4Department of Marine Science, Diponegoro University, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia.
Marine biofouling has been regarded as a serious problem in the marine environment. The application of TBT and other heavy metal-based antifoulants has created another environmental problem. The present study explored the possi- ble role of baterial symbionts of seagrasses Thalassia hemprichii, and Enhalus acoroides, which were successfully screened for antifouling activity against marine biofilm-forming bacteria isolated from the surrounding colonies of seagrasses. Bacterial symbionts were isolated and tested against biofilm-forming bacteria resulted in 4 bacterial sym- bionts capable of inhibiting the growth biofilm-forming isolates. Molecular identification based on 16S rRNA gene se- quences revealed that the active bacterial symbionts belonged to the members of the genera Bacillus and Virgibacillus. Further tests of the crude extracts of the active bacterial symbionts supported the potential of these symbionts as the alternative source of environmentally friendly marine antifoulants.
Source :
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Symposium on Coastal Resource Management and Development
29 – 30 November 2011
Diponegoro University
Hosted by
Journal of Coastal Development
An official journal of ISOI
and supported by
Directorate General of Higher Education
Ministry of National Education
Despite their richness on natural resources that have served the coastal population, coastal ecosystems have been focal points of human settlement and marine resource use throughout history. Long terms of overexploitation, habitat transformation, and pollution have obscured the total magnitude of coastal degradation and biodiversity loss and have undermined their ecological resilience.
Coastal zones and their resources are also threatened by the effect of climate change including global warming. The occurrences of coral bleaching, seawater rise, and the emerging coral diseases have become serious problem in the coastal areas.
Integrating management and development issues in a scientific manner, the symposium will provide an opportunity for regulator, environmental managers, academics, scientists and decision makers to develop and promulgate innovative methodologies, techniques, and policies used for management and development of coastal and marine resources.
The many subdiciplines involved in the management and development of coastal and marine issues can come together in one forum.
Either you are new to the management and development of coastal and marine resources, or or have participated in various programs, welcome to this opportunity to make a difference in helping to better understand and manage as well as develop coastal and marine resources.
The symposium is dedicated to serve as a forum to all aspects of increasingly important fields of coastal resource management and development, including but not limited to biological, chemical, medical, physical, cultural, economic, social developments.
The symposium will be held at Widya Puraya Building, 1st floor, Diponegoro University 50275, Semarang. We are looking forward to your participation which will help to make this symposium a success on both scientific and social level.
Interdisciplinary in scope, symposium will accept the following contributions related to one of the selected topics:
Management and Social Economics
Marine Processing and Biotechnology
Climate Change
Keynote speakers:
Four plenary speeches wil be delivered by prominent speakers who will highlight some important topics on coastal resource management and development, including:
1. Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa (Coremap, Ministry of Marine Affair and Fisheries-Indonesia)
Management of Indonesian coral reefs: Lessons learned from Coremap
2. Prof.Soottawat Benjakul (Prince of Songkhla University-Thailand)
The use of phenolic compounds for quality improvement of seafood
3. Thomas Darmawan (Chair person AP5I-Indonesia)
Marketing strategy of fish and marine products to breakthrough global market
4. Ika Kertati (NGO)
Empowerment on coastal communities
The symposium will serve as a forum for researchers, managers, decision makers, students, NGO and other parties relevant to management and development of coastal and marine environments.
The symposium will be held at Widya Puraya Building, Diponegoro University, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
General participants Rp. 250.000,-
Students Rp. 200.000,-
Payment can be made by transfer through
Bank Mandiri, Pandanaran branch
Account No.: 135-0002065868
Holder : Endang Istiningsih qq Cosdev
Important deadlines
Abstract submission 15/11/2011
Abstract decision 22/11/2011
Symposium 29-30/11/2011
Selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers for possible publication in the open access Journal of Coastal Development. All selected papers will be peer-reviewed according to journal’s rule. Partial waiving cost will be applied to accepted articles.
Organizing Committee
Chairperson : Ocky Karna Radjasa
Secretary : Tri Winarni Agustini
Further information :
For further information regarding the symposium, please kindly contact:
Ocky Karna Radjasa
Email :
Mobile: 081326331329
Tri Winarni Agustini
Email :
Mobile: 081325181670
A Ronin Hidayatullah
Email :
Mobile : 081805933944
source :
Diponegoro University
Hosted by
Journal of Coastal Development
An official journal of ISOI
and supported by
Directorate General of Higher Education
Ministry of National Education
Despite their richness on natural resources that have served the coastal population, coastal ecosystems have been focal points of human settlement and marine resource use throughout history. Long terms of overexploitation, habitat transformation, and pollution have obscured the total magnitude of coastal degradation and biodiversity loss and have undermined their ecological resilience.
Coastal zones and their resources are also threatened by the effect of climate change including global warming. The occurrences of coral bleaching, seawater rise, and the emerging coral diseases have become serious problem in the coastal areas.
Integrating management and development issues in a scientific manner, the symposium will provide an opportunity for regulator, environmental managers, academics, scientists and decision makers to develop and promulgate innovative methodologies, techniques, and policies used for management and development of coastal and marine resources.
The many subdiciplines involved in the management and development of coastal and marine issues can come together in one forum.
Either you are new to the management and development of coastal and marine resources, or or have participated in various programs, welcome to this opportunity to make a difference in helping to better understand and manage as well as develop coastal and marine resources.
The symposium is dedicated to serve as a forum to all aspects of increasingly important fields of coastal resource management and development, including but not limited to biological, chemical, medical, physical, cultural, economic, social developments.
The symposium will be held at Widya Puraya Building, 1st floor, Diponegoro University 50275, Semarang. We are looking forward to your participation which will help to make this symposium a success on both scientific and social level.
Interdisciplinary in scope, symposium will accept the following contributions related to one of the selected topics:
Management and Social Economics
Marine Processing and Biotechnology
Climate Change
Keynote speakers:
Four plenary speeches wil be delivered by prominent speakers who will highlight some important topics on coastal resource management and development, including:
1. Prof. Jamaluddin Jompa (Coremap, Ministry of Marine Affair and Fisheries-Indonesia)
Management of Indonesian coral reefs: Lessons learned from Coremap
2. Prof.Soottawat Benjakul (Prince of Songkhla University-Thailand)
The use of phenolic compounds for quality improvement of seafood
3. Thomas Darmawan (Chair person AP5I-Indonesia)
Marketing strategy of fish and marine products to breakthrough global market
4. Ika Kertati (NGO)
Empowerment on coastal communities
The symposium will serve as a forum for researchers, managers, decision makers, students, NGO and other parties relevant to management and development of coastal and marine environments.
The symposium will be held at Widya Puraya Building, Diponegoro University, Tembalang, Semarang 50275, Indonesia
General participants Rp. 250.000,-
Students Rp. 200.000,-
Payment can be made by transfer through
Bank Mandiri, Pandanaran branch
Account No.: 135-0002065868
Holder : Endang Istiningsih qq Cosdev
Important deadlines
Abstract submission 15/11/2011
Abstract decision 22/11/2011
Symposium 29-30/11/2011
Selected abstracts will be invited to submit full papers for possible publication in the open access Journal of Coastal Development. All selected papers will be peer-reviewed according to journal’s rule. Partial waiving cost will be applied to accepted articles.
Organizing Committee
Chairperson : Ocky Karna Radjasa
Secretary : Tri Winarni Agustini
Further information :
For further information regarding the symposium, please kindly contact:
Ocky Karna Radjasa
Email :
Mobile: 081326331329
Tri Winarni Agustini
Email :
Mobile: 081325181670
A Ronin Hidayatullah
Email :
Mobile : 081805933944
source :
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Eijkman Teliti Sumber Obat dari Biota Laut Indonesia
Jakarta Kamis 10/11/2011, Lembaga Biologi Molekular Eijkman tengah meneliti sumber obat-obatan dari biota laut di perairan Indonesia. Lembaga penelitian ini tengah fokus meneliti organisme laut di Karimun Jawa dan segitiga terumbu karang (coral triangle) antara Sulawesi dan Maluku Utara untuk mencari antibiotik baru.
"Laut kita organismenya banyak sekali dan kita tidak tahu banyak tentang itu serta bagaimana memanfaatkan sumber daya alam. Karenanya fungsi kita melakukan penelitian dasar untuk mendukung aplikasi langsung," ujar Direktur Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Profesor Sangkot Marzuki, AM, MD, PhD, DSc disela-sela acara The 5th International Eijkman Conference di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Kamis (10/11/2011).
Hal senada diungkapkan Principal Investigator Deputy Director dari Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Herawati Sudoyo, MD, PhD yang menuturkan saat ini sudah mengumpulkan banyak sumber termasuk invertebrata. Peneliti meneliti bagaimana invertebrata itu mempertahankan tubuhnya dari serangan bakteri di laut.
"Mereka pasti punya anti (bodi) di tubuhnya, itu kita cek dengan berbagai antibiotik yang kita pakai, dari situ kita bisa tahu binatang ini memproduksi zat apa terhadap amphisilin, tetrasiklin dan sebagainya," ujar Herawati.
Herawati mengungkapkan jika peneliti berhasil menemukan bioaktif selain yang diujikan, berarti menemukan obat baru yang berasal dari tubuh binatang itu sendiri.
Saat ini peneliti sudah melakukan eksplorasi di daerah Karimun Jawa dan coral triangle antara Sulawesi dan Maluku Utara, karena keduanya merupakan daerah yang paling kaya. Penelitian juga kemungkinan akan dilakukan di Raja Ampat karena banyak organisme yang belum dikenal dan bisa menjadi aset.
"Selama ini sumber obat dari daratan, karena untuk eksplorasi laut harus punya sumber daya manusia yang mengerti betul tentang mikrobiologi kelautan. Sekarang kita sudah punya penelitinya, membentuk group dan baru mulai kegiatan ini kira-kira baru 2 tahun ini," ujar Herawati.
Menurut Herawati untuk mengisolasi mikroorganisme dari tubuh manusia akan dikembangkan ke dalam medium yang mirip. Kalau berasal dari daratan gampang mengerti medium biakannya tapi kalau berasal dari laut maka harus tahu komposisinya yang terbiasa dengan kadar garam tinggi. Untuk itu dibutuhkan ahli mikrobiologi kelautan.
"Sedangkan untuk menjadi obat membutuhkan waktu 10 tahun dan dana jutaan dollar. Peran kita hanya memberikan target-target baru seperti memberitahu senyawa aktif apa yang didapat dan melakukan biology assay untuk tahu senyawa ini bisa digunakan terhadap mikrobacterium atau virus apa saja," ungkap Herawati.
Selain itu Prof Sangkot berharap acara 'The 5th International Eijkman Conference' ini bisa memberikan fokus-fokus baru dan reorientasi mana penelitian yang penting dan mana yang sudah tidak penting lagi karena ilmu pengetahuan terus bergerak.
"Fokus yang ada seperti dalam hal malaria dan pembuatan vaksin dengan menggunakan teknologi terbaru untuk penyakit infeksi seperti dengue, hepatitis, influenza," jelas Prof Sangkot.
Lembaga Biologi Molekular Eijkman punya posisi yang strategis di dalam dunia penelitian Indonesia. Lembaga yang didirikan oleh Christian Eijkman pada tahun 1888 itu bekerja dalam penelitian biologi molekul terutama kaitannya dengan diagnostik pengobatan maupun pencegahan penyakit.
Yang menjadi masalah saat ini adalah penelitian-penelitian lokal masih jarang yang diekspose oleh kalangan dalam negeri sendiri, padahal banyak karya penelitian yang dihasilkan lembaga Eijkman yang diakui secara internasional.
Source :
"Laut kita organismenya banyak sekali dan kita tidak tahu banyak tentang itu serta bagaimana memanfaatkan sumber daya alam. Karenanya fungsi kita melakukan penelitian dasar untuk mendukung aplikasi langsung," ujar Direktur Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Profesor Sangkot Marzuki, AM, MD, PhD, DSc disela-sela acara The 5th International Eijkman Conference di Hotel Borobudur, Jakarta, Kamis (10/11/2011).
Hal senada diungkapkan Principal Investigator Deputy Director dari Eijkman Institute for Molecular Biology, Herawati Sudoyo, MD, PhD yang menuturkan saat ini sudah mengumpulkan banyak sumber termasuk invertebrata. Peneliti meneliti bagaimana invertebrata itu mempertahankan tubuhnya dari serangan bakteri di laut.
"Mereka pasti punya anti (bodi) di tubuhnya, itu kita cek dengan berbagai antibiotik yang kita pakai, dari situ kita bisa tahu binatang ini memproduksi zat apa terhadap amphisilin, tetrasiklin dan sebagainya," ujar Herawati.
Herawati mengungkapkan jika peneliti berhasil menemukan bioaktif selain yang diujikan, berarti menemukan obat baru yang berasal dari tubuh binatang itu sendiri.
Saat ini peneliti sudah melakukan eksplorasi di daerah Karimun Jawa dan coral triangle antara Sulawesi dan Maluku Utara, karena keduanya merupakan daerah yang paling kaya. Penelitian juga kemungkinan akan dilakukan di Raja Ampat karena banyak organisme yang belum dikenal dan bisa menjadi aset.
"Selama ini sumber obat dari daratan, karena untuk eksplorasi laut harus punya sumber daya manusia yang mengerti betul tentang mikrobiologi kelautan. Sekarang kita sudah punya penelitinya, membentuk group dan baru mulai kegiatan ini kira-kira baru 2 tahun ini," ujar Herawati.
Menurut Herawati untuk mengisolasi mikroorganisme dari tubuh manusia akan dikembangkan ke dalam medium yang mirip. Kalau berasal dari daratan gampang mengerti medium biakannya tapi kalau berasal dari laut maka harus tahu komposisinya yang terbiasa dengan kadar garam tinggi. Untuk itu dibutuhkan ahli mikrobiologi kelautan.
"Sedangkan untuk menjadi obat membutuhkan waktu 10 tahun dan dana jutaan dollar. Peran kita hanya memberikan target-target baru seperti memberitahu senyawa aktif apa yang didapat dan melakukan biology assay untuk tahu senyawa ini bisa digunakan terhadap mikrobacterium atau virus apa saja," ungkap Herawati.
Selain itu Prof Sangkot berharap acara 'The 5th International Eijkman Conference' ini bisa memberikan fokus-fokus baru dan reorientasi mana penelitian yang penting dan mana yang sudah tidak penting lagi karena ilmu pengetahuan terus bergerak.
"Fokus yang ada seperti dalam hal malaria dan pembuatan vaksin dengan menggunakan teknologi terbaru untuk penyakit infeksi seperti dengue, hepatitis, influenza," jelas Prof Sangkot.
Lembaga Biologi Molekular Eijkman punya posisi yang strategis di dalam dunia penelitian Indonesia. Lembaga yang didirikan oleh Christian Eijkman pada tahun 1888 itu bekerja dalam penelitian biologi molekul terutama kaitannya dengan diagnostik pengobatan maupun pencegahan penyakit.
Yang menjadi masalah saat ini adalah penelitian-penelitian lokal masih jarang yang diekspose oleh kalangan dalam negeri sendiri, padahal banyak karya penelitian yang dihasilkan lembaga Eijkman yang diakui secara internasional.
Source :
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Sri Achadi Nugraheni, Miftahuddin Majid Khoeri, Lia Kusmita, Yustin Widyastuti, Ocky Karna Radjasa
Carotenoids are pigments that can be used in various applications including cosmetics and precursor of
vitamins A. Carotenoids are mostly found in higher plant leaves, fruit, and bacteria. Marine bacteria
associated with seagrass Thalassia hemprichii collected from Menjangan Kecil Waters, Karimunjawa
Islands were screened to produce the pigment and has allowed the use of these microrganism as an
environmental friendly alternative source of new natural pigment. The isolation of bacterial symbionts on
Zobell 2216E medium from seagrass Thalassia hemprichii resulted in 20 isolates of which 8 bacterial
symbionts have produced pigments but only one bacterium positively synthesize carotenoids. Initial analysis
with atomic absorption spectrophotometric method revealed that the wave lengt of bacterial pigment were in
the range of 300-600 nm, which are categorized that within the group of carotenoid pigments. From the
results of molecular identification by 16S rDNA method, it was shown that bacterium TH8 was closely
related to Bacillus licheniformis with 98% homology value.
Carotenoids are pigments that can be used in various applications including cosmetics and precursor of
vitamins A. Carotenoids are mostly found in higher plant leaves, fruit, and bacteria. Marine bacteria
associated with seagrass Thalassia hemprichii collected from Menjangan Kecil Waters, Karimunjawa
Islands were screened to produce the pigment and has allowed the use of these microrganism as an
environmental friendly alternative source of new natural pigment. The isolation of bacterial symbionts on
Zobell 2216E medium from seagrass Thalassia hemprichii resulted in 20 isolates of which 8 bacterial
symbionts have produced pigments but only one bacterium positively synthesize carotenoids. Initial analysis
with atomic absorption spectrophotometric method revealed that the wave lengt of bacterial pigment were in
the range of 300-600 nm, which are categorized that within the group of carotenoid pigments. From the
results of molecular identification by 16S rDNA method, it was shown that bacterium TH8 was closely
related to Bacillus licheniformis with 98% homology value.
S. Sulistiyani, Sri Achadi Nugraheni, Ocky Karna Radjasa, Agus Sabdono, Miftahuddin Majid Khoeri
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Although TB is a curable disease, it continues to
be one of the most important infectious causes of death worldwide. Indonesia ranks 3rd on the list of TB high
burden countries in the world with 86,000 cases deaths and the Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB)
estimated cases in Indonesia is 10,000. This research was aimed to isolate and characterize of soft coral
Sinularia sp.-associated bacteria having antibacterial activity against Tuberculosis bacteria. There were
109 isolates collected from Sinularia sp. Two isolates from Sinularia sp.-associated bacteria, SC4TGZ3 and
SC4TGZ4 were successfully screened for antibacterial against Tuberculosis bacteria. SC4TGZ3 was found to
inhibit the growth of MDR TB strain HE, MDR TB strain SR and H37Rv. Whereas, SC4TGZ4 was found to
inhibit the growth of MDR TB strain HE. Based on PCR amplification 16S rDNA softcoral bacateria were
identified as follows: SC4TGZ3 was closely related to Pseudovibrio sp. and SC4TGZ4 was closely related to
Alpha proteobacterium sp.
Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Although TB is a curable disease, it continues to
be one of the most important infectious causes of death worldwide. Indonesia ranks 3rd on the list of TB high
burden countries in the world with 86,000 cases deaths and the Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR TB)
estimated cases in Indonesia is 10,000. This research was aimed to isolate and characterize of soft coral
Sinularia sp.-associated bacteria having antibacterial activity against Tuberculosis bacteria. There were
109 isolates collected from Sinularia sp. Two isolates from Sinularia sp.-associated bacteria, SC4TGZ3 and
SC4TGZ4 were successfully screened for antibacterial against Tuberculosis bacteria. SC4TGZ3 was found to
inhibit the growth of MDR TB strain HE, MDR TB strain SR and H37Rv. Whereas, SC4TGZ4 was found to
inhibit the growth of MDR TB strain HE. Based on PCR amplification 16S rDNA softcoral bacateria were
identified as follows: SC4TGZ3 was closely related to Pseudovibrio sp. and SC4TGZ4 was closely related to
Alpha proteobacterium sp.
Miftahuddin Majid Khoeri, Ocky Karna Radjasa, Agus Sabdono and Herawati Sudoyo
Coral reef is a productive ecosystem with high biodiversity in the sea and being targeted to find a useful bioactive compound. However, the serious problem in development of bioactive compounds from marine invertebrate is the supply problem, because to get a small amounts of active compounds a massive numbers of sea organisms are needed. Tunicate is an animal in coral reef ecosystem that produces many bioactive compounds with pharmacological activities, such as, antibacterial, antitumor, and anticancer compounds. It has been reported that bacterial symbionts of coral reef invertebrates may synthesize the same compounds as the host. The purposes of this research are to isolate and to identify microbes which have antibacterial activity against MDR bacteria based PCR 16S rRNA and to detect the existence of PKS and NRPS biosynthetic gene fragments from tunicate bacteria of Didemnum molle. Out of 15 bacterial isolates, one isolate showed antibacterial potential against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus sp. Molecular identification result showed that TS2A5 bacterium has a homology of 99 % with Virgibacillus sp. strain GSP17 16S ribosomal RNA gene. This isolate was also capable of amplifying NRPS gene fragment.
Coral reef is a productive ecosystem with high biodiversity in the sea and being targeted to find a useful bioactive compound. However, the serious problem in development of bioactive compounds from marine invertebrate is the supply problem, because to get a small amounts of active compounds a massive numbers of sea organisms are needed. Tunicate is an animal in coral reef ecosystem that produces many bioactive compounds with pharmacological activities, such as, antibacterial, antitumor, and anticancer compounds. It has been reported that bacterial symbionts of coral reef invertebrates may synthesize the same compounds as the host. The purposes of this research are to isolate and to identify microbes which have antibacterial activity against MDR bacteria based PCR 16S rRNA and to detect the existence of PKS and NRPS biosynthetic gene fragments from tunicate bacteria of Didemnum molle. Out of 15 bacterial isolates, one isolate showed antibacterial potential against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus sp. Molecular identification result showed that TS2A5 bacterium has a homology of 99 % with Virgibacillus sp. strain GSP17 16S ribosomal RNA gene. This isolate was also capable of amplifying NRPS gene fragment.
bioactive compound,
MDR bacteria,
Miftahuddin Majid Khoeri,
NRPS gene,
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